List of Http Status Codes and What do They Mean?
This comprehensive guide explains the most common HTTP status codes and how they can help you understand when your website will be back up and running. Check out our list of HTTP error codes for easy access whenever you need them!

When you visit a website and get a three-digit number...
For many people, those three little numbers mean very little. However, knowing the most common status codes will lead you to greater understanding about when your favorite site might be back up and running again. It is equally important for website owners, marketers, salespeople and IT specialists to know what the error codes mean and important http status codes.
HTTP Error Codes: Your Guide to Understanding Server Responses
In a response from a server, the status code element is a 3 digit integer where the first digit of the status code defines its class. The first digit of website error codes can be any of the following:
1xx Informational Status Codes: The request has been received and is still being processed.
2xx Success Status Codes: The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3xx Redirection Status Codes: It means further action must be taken in order to complete the request.
4xx Client Error Status Codes: The request contains incorrect syntax and cannot be fulfilled.
5xx Server Error Status Codes: It means the server failed to process your request.
HTTP Status Codes List
We have created a http error codes list for your convenience, ensuring easy access whenever you need it.
1xx Information Status Codes
- 100 Status Code (Continue): The server is not rejecting the request when only a partial message has been received- this means that the client should continue to send messages.
- 101 Status Code (Switching Protocols): The server switches to a new protocol.
2xx Successful Status Codes
- 200 Status Code (OK): The request is acceptable and OK.
- 201 Status Code (Created Status Code): The request is fulfilled and a new resource is generated.
- 202 Status Code (Accepted Status Code): The request is in the processing phase, but not completed yet.
- 203 Status Code (Non-authoritative Information): The information in the entity header is not from the original server.
- 204 Status Code (No Content): A response to a request with a status code and headers but not entity-body.
- 205 Status Code (Reset Content): The browser should clear the form used for this transaction after it has been parsed.
- 206 Status Code (Partial Content): The server is returning incomplete data. In response to a request specifying the Range header, the server must specify in its Content-Range headers exactly what range of content it will provide in this response.
3xx Redirection Status Codes
- 300 Status Code (Multiple Choices): A link list with five links, the user selects a link to jump to that location.
- 301 Status Code (Moved Permanently): The page you were looking for has been moved to the following URL.
- 302 Status Code (Found): This page has been temporarily re-routed.
- 303 Status Code (See Other): The page you are looking for can be found at another URL.
- 304 Status Code (Not Modified): When a page has not been updated since the specified date, this is the response code sent as an HTTP If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header.
- 305 Status Code (Use Proxy): You must use the proxy specified in the Location header to access this URL.
- 306 Status Code (Unused): The code was previously used in a past version. However, it is no longer in use and the code is reserved.
- 307 Status Code (Temporary Redirect): The requested page is temporarily located at a new URL.
4xx Client Error Status Codes
- 400 Error Code (Bad Request): It appears the server has not understood the request.
- 401 Error Code (Unauthorized): Enter a username and password to access the requested page.
- 402 Error Code (Payment Required): This code is not usable yet.
- 403 Error Code (Forbidden): Access to the requested page is forbidden.
- 404 Error Code (Not Found): The requested page cannot be found.
- 405 Error Code (Method Not Allowed): The desired method specified in the request is not permitted.
- 406 Error Code (Not Acceptable): Unacceptable messages sent from the server to the client.
- 407 Error Code (Proxy Authentication Required): This request cannot be completed without first authenticating with a proxy server.
- 408 Error Code (Request Timeout): The request took too long for the server to wait.
- 409 Error Code (Conflict): The request could not be completed because it conflicted with another request.
- 410 Error Code (Gone): The page you requested is unavailable.
- 411 Error Code (Length Required): The "Content-Length" header must be included with this request.
- 412 Error Code (Precondition Failed): The pre condition in your request evaluated to false.
- 413 Error Code (Request Entity Too Large): The server has refused the request because the entity is too large.
- 414 Error Code (Request-url Too Long): The server is refusing the request because the URL is too long. This error occurs when you convert a "post" request to a "get" request with an excessively long query information.
- 415 Error Code (Unsupported Media Type): The server will not process the request because the media type is unsupported.
- 416 Error Code (Requested Range Not Satisfiable): The requested byte range is not available and is out of bounds.
- 417 Error Code (Expectation Failed): The expectation in an Expect request-header field could not be met by this server.
5xx Server Error Status Codes
- 500 Error Code (Internal Server Error): This request was not completed. There were issues with the server's connectivity.
- 501 Error Code (Not Implemented): The request was unsuccessful. The server did not provide the requested functionality.
- 502 Error Code (Bad Gateway): The message was not received. The server did not receive a valid response from the upstream server.
- 503 Error Code (Service Unavailable): The request was not completed. The server is currently overloaded or down.
- 504 Error Code (Gateway Timeout): The gateway is not responding.
- 505 Error Code (HTTP Version Not Supported): The server does not support the "HTTP protocol" version.
In Conclusion
Understanding HTTP status codes is important for navigating the web effectively. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or just curious about websites, these codes help you diagnose and resolve issues faster. Embrace them as tools to enhance your website's performance and your user's experience. Remember, every error is an opportunity to improve. Grasping the essence of these codes helps ensure your website functions efficiently and delivers a better user experience. Familiarize yourself with these important numbers and see how they can transform your approach to managing web issues!
Frequently Asked Questions
1: What exactly are HTTP status codes?
HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers that a server sends to indicate the outcome of your request to view a page. They help diagnose issues if the page doesn't load as expected.
2: Why should I care about these codes?
Knowing these codes can save you time troubleshooting why a website isn’t working right, whether it's for personal use or business purposes.
3: Can understanding these codes help improve my website?
Absolutely! By recognizing error codes, you can quickly address issues, enhancing your site’s reliability and user experience.
4: Where can I find more information about each status code?
Check out our comprehensive HTTP status codes list linked at the end of this article. It's a great resource for detailed explanations.
5: What should I do if I see a 500 error on my site?
A 500 error means something's wrong on the server side. Contacting your web hosting service or a tech specialist is a good move to solve it swiftly.