Black Friday Alert:
50% Off
Everything! This deal is hotter than your server at peak traffic!Monitoring Definitions
What is Google Safe Browsing?
Google helps build a more secure web with Google's Safe Browsing. This technology helps protect users and their data from phishing, malware, and other harmful software by checking for bad URLs and warning Chrome and Firefox users before they visit dangerous sites.What is Safe Browsing?Safe
September 9 2021
3mins read
Monitoring Definitions
What Is Google PageSpeed Insights?
TL;DRSo, here's the deal: Google PageSpeed Insights is like your website's personal speed coach. It checks how fast your site loads and gives you tips to make it faster. Why does it matter? Well, faster websites mean happier visitors and better search engine rankings. Using
September 9 2021
14mins read
Monitoring Definitions
List of Http Status Codes and What do They Mean?
When you visit a website and get a three-digit number...For many people, those three little numbers mean very little. However, knowing the most common status codes will lead you to greater understanding about when your favorite site might be back up and running again. It
July 13 2021
5mins read